All of the photographs and records on this website are parts of public records. We are under no legal obligation to remove anything on this website. Publishers are NOT REQUIRED to obtain permission from anyone to post public records emanating from law enforcement agencies anywhere in the United States, either in part or in whole. The display of your photograph on this website DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY COPYRIGHT LAW.

The website was created to publish information that was public at one point. The aim is to provide the public with information that was once public, but may not be anymore. This can be due to many reasons such as government suppression, private ownership, or simply because the information is no longer available. Making this information public again can have many benefits for the public, such as shedding light on corrupt practices, providing information that was previously hidden, and giving people a voice. Our goal is to keep information accessible for the public. We believe that everyone has a right to know what is happening in the world, and that by providing this information, we can help to make it a better place.