Party Details:

Yosef Roy Shem Tov
Aventura, FL 33180



Public records are vital to any open and transparent government. The photographs contained on this website, such as the one you are possibly viewing of Yosef Roy Shem Tov on this page, show the condition of suspects at the time of their detainment and serve to poitively identify them for law enforcement officers, concerned family members, members of juries in criminal proceedings, and the public at-large, which has a right to know what activities the people charged with their safety are engaged in. The information contained on this page for Yosef Roy Shem Tov is accurate to the best of our knowledge but we shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. This website is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and all of the county’s municipal law enforcement offices. If you would like more information regarding the detainment and/or any formal charges that may have been filed against Yosef Roy Shem Tov, please contact directly the Broward County Clerk of Courts.

All of the photos and information you see on this website came from public records. We do not own the copyright to anything on this website except for the design (layout), URL, and our company name. Public records belong to the citizenry at-large. As such, if your image appears herein, you likewise do not own the copyright to that image. It was generated with taxpayer money and is for the public to see in the interest of open and transparent governance.